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MCAT, USMLE STEP 1 and Medical school tutoring

I am a third year medical student at Albert Einstein Medical College so I am completely familiar with the process from beginning to end, including studying for the MCAT and going through the application/interviewing process. I took all my pre-medical classes at Columbia University receiving a 3.8 GPA. I scored in the 97th percentile on the MCAT exam. I have been tutoring the new MCAT since before it came out and have had dozens of students prepare for it and take it. I have also worked for a...


organic chemistry

It took Organic Chemistry at Columbia University and received A's in both semesters. I also took the MCAT and in the Biology/ Organic Chemistry section I scored a 14/15 - nearly a perfect score which is in the 99% percentile. I've been also tutoring organic chemistry for a year now and currently have several Columbia University students.